The Health of Every Kind Journey
Health of Every Kind was founded in 2019 by Kylie M. Steinhilber, Ph.D., and Lynne-Marie Shea, Ph.D. in order to provide people with a platform to discuss the struggles they're experiencing with health and wellness. We never realized how needed it would be in 2020 when COVID-19 hit. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we aimed to support and foster the health of our followers by providing a space for women especially to come together as a collective and empowering community. We importantly shared insights from our own self-reflections on as issues of social justice around gender and race were arising in the general public. In 2022-2023, we took a note from our own clinical work to prioritize our education, training and self-care. We each took time off from Health of Every Kind to focus on completion of our dissertations and clinical training.
This year, 2023, we have revitalized Health of Every Kind and opened our private clinical services.
See more about us below!

Licensed Psychologist
Hi there! I take pride in my work as a Clinical Psychologist. I view health and wellbeing from an intersectional feminist lens. In particular, I am interested in promoting wellbeing while living with chronic pain and illness, holistic self-care, health equity and justice, and integrative healthcare for marginalized populations. These interests are informed by my own experiences with chronic pain and gender bias in medicine, which I believe strengthens my work with my patients.
My Offerings
chronic pain
women's health
health psychology
stress management
trauma-informed treatment
Modalities of Treatment:
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
Relaxation Training
Somatic Awareness, Expression, and Regulation
Behavioral Activation

My Approach to Therapy
I specialize in Health Psychology, or working with people who have chronic health concerns to better manage their symptoms and health-related stress to improve function and quality of life. I mostly work with people who have chronic pain conditions and conditions those that more commonly affect women and AFAB folks (e.g., pelvic pain conditions, auto-immune disorders, and GI conditions).
I utilize a trauma-informed approach, often integrating arousal- and emotion-regulation focused methods including breathwork, mindfulness, and somatic-focused techniques, to improve the mind-body connection and improve wellbeing. Given my feminist orientation, I often engage my patients to de-construct the meanings we have of health that are driven by oppressive systems at large and work to empower them to re-define their own practice of physical and mental self-care.

Kylie M. Steinhilber Health Psychology
‪(617) 398-7296‬
Please note that email is not a HIPAA-compliant method of communication.
Free Initial Consultation
At this time I am taking new patients. If you are interested, you can schedule a 15-minute free consultation call to see if we're a good match to collaborate on your health goals!
Send an Consultation Request
At this time, my services are out-of-pocket. Fees can be submitted by client to their insurance company as an out-of-network provider using a Super Bill.
$300 - Initial Evaluation
$250 - 50 minute Psychotherapy
Other costs associated with your care will be discussed at time of treatment initiation along with a Good Faith Estimate to approximate total costs.
Access Your Patient Portal
Education & Training
Highlighted Work
B.A., with honors
Boston University
I am a proud Terrier of BU. I completed my bachelor's degree with a major in psychology. I graduated with honors and received the Excellence in Service Award for my time serving as Social Media Chair and President of Psi Chi, the Psychological Honors Society. My honors thesis focused on parent-child sex education and female body image development. My undergraduate research also included Evolutionary Psychology on sexual dimorphism of facial features and perceptions of social dominance.
M.S., & Ph.D.
Suffolk University
During my time at Suffolk University, I was engaged in research, clinical training, teaching, and community engagement. I was a graduate fellow at the Counseling Health and Wellness Center and facilitated health-awareness trainings for undergraduates. I served as a campus representative for the Society of Women in Psychology and graduate editorial reviewer for the Psychology of Women Quarterly journal. My master's thesis focused on the father-daughter relationship and development of body image, eating behavior, and empowerment. My doctoral thesis explored health disparities in the experience of chronic pain and pain care for adult men and women.
Clinical Training
October 2023 - Present
BRIGHAM & WOMEN'S HOSPITAL - Pain Psychology Post-Doctoral Fellow
Clinical Services: chronic pain psychology, pre-surgical evaluation for spinaI cord stimulators and intrathecal pain pumps.
Research & Programming: Trauma-informed pain group educational and treatment services for patients and providers.
July 2022 - June 2023
VA CONNECTICUT - Health Psychology Pre-Doctoral Intern
Clinical Services: chronic pain psychology, consult liason psychology, palliative care psychology, health promotion psychology (behavioral weight loss, diabetes management), sleep psychology, bariatric surgery evaluation, and pre-surgical transplant evaluations.
Research and Programming: Member of the Opioid Safety Committee and provided research assistance with women's health quality improvement project
September 2021 - May 2022
TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER - Advanced Practicum Student in Outpatient Psychology
Clinical Services: individual services, family consultation, and neuropsychological evaluations for patients with cognitive and developmental disorders, trauma and mood disorders.
July 2020 - May 2022
MGH CANCER CENTER - Clinical Fellow
Clinical Services: psychological oncology, CBT- and acceptance-based services through research studies for those with breast cancer, lung cancer, and loved ones of those with metastatic brain cancer.
Research and Programming: Shifting behavioral medicine research to virtual methods. doi: 10.1177/1357633X231167899
Sept 2020 - May 2021
BRIGHAM & WOMEN'S HOSPITAL - Advanced Psychology Extern
Clinical Services: outpatient psychology and pain psychology services, health coaching
Research and Programming: development of health-coaching program, co-authored chapter on pain disparities in Practical Management of Pain and co-authored book chapter on peri-natal anxiety in The Routledge International Handbook of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders
Sept 2019 - August 2020
VA MEDICAL CENTER - Practicum Trainee
Clinical Services: dual diagnosis residential treatment (CBT, DBT, Trauma-focused) for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and battling addiction and other psychological health issues.
Research and Programming: Created psychoeducational materials for Veterans on COVID-19, Published article on provider-gender and mental health stigma. doi: 10.1007/s10597-021-00849-y
Sept 2018 - June 2019
MCLEAN HOSPITAL - Practicum Trainee
Clinical Services: Behavioral Activation therapy to adolescents experiencing anhedonia as part of an NIH-funded study exploring the brain-based mechanisms of change, and diagnostic assessements.
Sept 2019 - May 2023
STUDENT ADVISORY BOARD REVIEWER - Society for the Psychology of Women
Served as a reviewer for APA Division 35's Psychology of Women Quarterly.
Sept 2018 - August 2020
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE - Society for the Psychology of Women
I served as a student representative for APA Division 35. I wrote several pieces for their Fem Pop! Blog.
Highlighted Blog Posts:
Publications & Programming
Wiegartz, P.S., Teslyar, P., Steinhilber, K.M., Feldman N., Hashmonay, G., and Mittal, L. "Prenatal Anxiety." In The Routledge International Handbook of Perinatal Mental Health Disorders, pp. 167-195. Routledge, 2024.
Steinhilber K.M., Chabria R.S., Clara A., et al. Shifting behavioral intervention research to virtual methods: Challenges and solutions in practice, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare. 2023;0(0). DOI: 10.1177/1357633X231167899
Meints, S.M., Osaji, D., Steinhilber K.M., Edwards, R.R. (2022). Individual differences in experience and treatment of Pain: Race, Ethnicity, and Sex. In Practical Management of Pain (6th Ed., pp. 133-145). Elsevier.
Kaitz, J.E., Steinhilber, K.M., & Harris, J.I. (2021). Influence of Provider Gender on Mental Health Stigma. Community Mental Health Journal, 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/s10597-021-00849-y
Steinhilber, K. M., Ray, S., Harkins, D. A., & Sienkiewicz, M. E. Father-Daughter Relationship Dynamics in Body Image and Eating Patterns Among Women: An exploratory study. Women and Health. DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2020.1801554
Hodges-Simeon, C.R., & Steinhilber, K.M. (2015). Speech volume. In Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer International Publishing.
Steinhilber, K.M., Robins, H., Plezia, S., Becker, M., Ray, S., (2021, August). Challenges and provider supports for chronic pain patients during COVID-19: A qualitative analysis. American Psychological Association Convention, Virtual.
Robins, H., Steinhilber, K.M., Plezia, S., Becker, M., Ray, S. (2021, August). Conceptualizing empowerment in the context of chronic pain: A qualitative investigation. American Psychological Association Convention, Virtual.
Becker, M., Robins, H., Steinhilber, K.M., Ray, S., (2021, March). Do Black mothers experience barriers to care for postpartum depression? A current perspective. Conference of the Association of Women in Psychology, Virtual.
Steinhilber, K.M., Ray, S., Liu, Y., Cole, C. (2019, August). The Development of Body Satisfaction: How do parents empower their daughters? Poster presentation at the American Psychological Association Convention, Chicago, IL
Steinhilber, K.M., Grenier, L.I., Shea, L.M., Ramanayake, N.P.. (2020, March). Developing a contextual model of feminist mentorship in academia: Using feminist journeys to guide empowering mentorship. Discussant at the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI.
Provider Certification for Empowered Relief
Certificate of Completion of the Academic Feminist Leadership Academy, sponsored by APA Division 35
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Award ($2,100). The development of sexually dimorphic facial morphology in human adolescents.

Licensed Clinical Psychologist
I came to Clinical Psychology from my work as an advocate for victims of violent crime. The work I did helping those had been harmed navigate systems that are supposed to support them sparked in me an interest in examining these systems and working to address them at their roots. My research centers around critical consciousness development and holistic health and wellness.
Highlighted Experience and Interests
May 2019 - Present
Provide in-home therapeutic intervention to youth ages 4-18 in crisis and their families
Work with families to create and maintain safety and treatment plans
Maintain a caseload of 3-4 youth
Maintain ongoing risk-assessment and documentation of each case
Participate in weekly supervision sessions of cases
Provide supervision and support to bachelor’s level therapeutic mentors
Sept 2019 - Present
Manage a caseload of 5 adolescents on an inpatient unit
Engage in safety planning, skill building, and psychological assessment
Facilitate group skills session for 8-15 adolescents three times a week
Present case conceptualizations and provide peer feedback at weekly group and individual supervision
Sept 2018 - June 2019
Maintained a caseload of 4 graduate/undergraduate students at a college health and wellness center
Conducted weekly hour-long sessions throughout the school year
Attended didactic seminars and weekly group and individual supervision
Presented cases and provided feedback to staff and peers
Sept 2017 - Present
Research Interests:
holistic wellness, service-learning and civic action, community partnership building, reflective practice​
Highlighted Publications:
Harkins, D., Grenier, L. I., Irrizarry, C., Robinson, E., Ray, S., Shea, L.M. (In Press). Building Relationships for Critical Service-Learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Shea, L.M. (In Press). No Perfect Syllabus for Distance Learning: DBT Skills for Deciding How to Teach Throughout Uncertainty. Pedagogy and the Human Sciences.
Shea, L.M. (In Press). The Courage to Be: Using DBT Skills to Choose who to be in Uncertainty. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
Jiang, Y., Debarre, D., Shea, L. M., & Viner-Brown, S. (2017). Violence against women: injuries and deaths in Rhode Island. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 100(12), 24-28.
Jiang, Y., Ranney, M. L., Seaberry, J., Shea, L. M., Sulliva, B., & Viner-Brown, S. (2017). Assault injury and homicide death profile in Rhode Island, 2004-2014. Rhode Island Medical Journal, 100(4), 23.
Highlighted Presentations
Shea, L.M. (March, 2020). Reflecting on all that we are: Living in our own Stories. Paper presentation at the 2020 International Conference on Narrative, New Orleans, LA.
Steinhilber, K.M., Grenier, L.I., Shea, L.M., Ramanayake, N.P.. (2020, March). Developing a contextual model of feminist mentorship in academia: Using feminist journeys to guide empowering mentorship. Discussant at the 44th Annual Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI.
Shea, L.M., Harkins, D. (June, 2019). Service-Learning: The Power of Being Proximate. Roundtable presentation at the SCRA Biennial conference on Community Research and Action, Chicago, IL.
Shea, L.M., Steinhilber, K. Harkins, D. (March, 2019). From Being Good to Being Well: Putting Health and Wellness Decisions Back into the Hands of Those Making Them. 75-minute structured discussion held at Annual Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology, Newport, RI.
Shea, L. M., Rodriguez, J. (August, 2017). Interrupting the Cycle of Violence Through Advocacy. Presentation at the 43rd National Organization for Victim Assistance Annual Training Event, San Diego, CA.
August 2012-August 2017
ÂResponded to homicide survivors, victims of shootings and stabbings throughout the state of Rhode Island
Provided immediate crisis response and follow-up case management
Facilitated monthly support group for homicide survivors in both Spanish and English
Facilitated trainings in nonviolence
August 2017-Present
Plan and facilitate weekly CrossFit classes for up to 15 individuals
Instruct on proper form, movement, weightlifting, stretching, and nutrition
Plan and facilitate a health and wellness goal-setting group
Attend monthly coaches’ meetings and trainings